Manage Revisions of Your Articles Across Languages with ChatGPT

Use ChatGPT Prompts for Multilingual Content Revision

Precision and Clarity in Multilingual Articles: Manage Revisions and Comparisons

Bastian Moritz
Mar 2024

To achieve a diff between two versions of an article in different languages, focusing on improvements without altering original content not addressed in the revised version we employ a multi-step process involving translation, comparison, and markup.

Here's a straightforward and effective approach:

1. Initial Preparation

Identify the language of each article version. Let's assume VERSION_Rev is in English and the other version (VERSION_Old) is in German.

Ensure both articles are in digital format, editable and accessible for comparison.

2. Translation

Translate VERSION_Rev into the language of VERSION_Old

Either with ChatGPT itself or with Google Translate (famously part of the origin story of GPTs) or Deepl (famously the “small ML startup that got Google scared”)

Whatever works best for you to get a good translation. This step is crucial because now we have both versions in the same language, simplifying the comparison process.

Save this translation as VERSION_Translated.

3. Comparison for Content Updates

Now we reached the step that aims to identify new content added in VERSION_Rev (now present in VERSION_Translated) that needs to be incorporated into VERSION_Old.

Usually you would now use a bilingual speaker or a professional translation service to compare VERSION_Translated with VERSION_Old. You’d use document comparison tools (such as Microsoft Word's "Compare" feature or other specialized software) for initial comparisons, employ professional translation services or tools for accurate translations and improvements, especially for nuanced language improvements, engage bilingual speakers or translators with expertise in the subject matter for the nuanced task of improvement proposal.

Now we will use ChatGPT to mark new content in VERSION_Translated that does not exist in VERSION_Old.

Using ChatGPT for comparing a new VERSION with old VERSION

Goal: Using ChatGPT for comparing a new VERSION with old VERSION, especially for identifying differences and proposing improvements.

Ensure that the translation quality is as high as possible, as this will serve as the basis for comparison.

Segmentation for Comparison

Break down both VERSION_Translated and VERSION_Old into manageable sections or paragraphs. This segmentation facilitates a focused comparison and ensures that no details are overlooked.

ChatGPT DIFF Comparison

Present sections of VERSION_Translated and VERSION_Old to ChatGPT one pair at a time. For each pair,

  1. we ask ChatGPT to identify differences in content, including any new information added in VERSION_Rev that is missing in VERSION_Old.
  2. We also want ChatGPT to suggest improvements in wording, phrasing, and articulation based on the changes observed in VERSION_Translated, aiming to enhance VERSION_Old without introducing too much of content changes that are not present in VERSION_Rev.
  3. Use Markup annotations to highlight the identified improvements and additions in VERSION_Old.

The Comparison Process Using ChatGPT

Use this new prompt for a 1-Step Comparison Process

To implement the comparison process using ChatGPT, here’s an example prompt that can guide you in utilizing ChatGPT effectively for each comparison task

Prompt Version 1: 2-Step Process

1. Identifying Differences in Content

Prompt for Identifying Differences:

"I have two versions of a text section, one from the translated revision (VERSION_Translated) and one from the original version (VERSION_Old). Please identify any new information or content changes present in VERSION_Translated that are missing in VERSION_Old. Here are the sections for comparison:

VERSION_Translated: [Insert the text section from VERSION_Translated here]

VERSION_Old: [Insert the corresponding text section from VERSION_Old here]

Note: Focus on identifying new content additions or significant changes in information."

2. Suggesting Improvements in Wording, Phrasing, and Articulation

Prompt for Suggesting Improvements:

"Based on the differences identified between VERSION_Translated and VERSION_Old, please suggest improvements for VERSION_Old that enhance its wording, phrasing, and articulation. These suggestions should reflect the improvements or changes observed in VERSION_Translated without introducing new content that wasn't part of the original revision. Here are the details for your reference:

[If there are specific differences identified, insert them here]

VERSION_Old: [Insert the corresponding text section from VERSION_Old here]

Note: The aim is to refine the language and presentation in VERSION_Old based on the enhancements observed in VERSION_Translated, focusing on linguistic quality and clarity."

Key Considerations for Using These Prompts:

  • Accuracy: Ensure that ChatGPT has correctly understood the context and the nuances of both language versions. It might occasionally require clarification or additional input to provide accurate suggestions.
  • Provide Context: If the sections under comparison involve specific terminology or context, provide a brief explanation to help ChatGPT understand the nuances.
  • Segmentation: Break down the comparison into manageable sections to ensure accuracy and ease of processing.
  • Clarification Requests: Be ready to offer additional information or clarification if ChatGPT requests it, especially for nuanced or complex topics.
  • Review Suggestions: Carefully review ChatGPT's suggestions for any subtleties in language or cultural nuances that may require adjustment.
  • Iterative Process: Consider this an iterative process, where you may need to refine the prompts or ask follow-up questions based on the initial feedback from ChatGPT.
  • Language Nuances: While ChatGPT is highly capable, subtleties of language and cultural context might still be best captured with a human touch, especially in complex or nuanced topics.

This approach harnesses ChatGPT's capabilities for meticulous attention to detail and its ability to suggest improvements in language use, providing a practical and innovative solution to enhancing your VERSION_Old based on the revised content of VERSION_Rev.


Be prepared to engage in multiple iterations to refine the suggestions provided by ChatGPT, as this will help in achieving the best possible version of the translated and improved article.

Iterative Review

Given the complexity and nuances of language, you might want to review ChatGPT's suggestions iteratively.

Final Review

Incorporate all accepted changes and improvements into VERSION_Old.

Have a final review by a human editor, like with every AI or assistant generated stuff, especially for nuanced linguistic and cultural elements that AI might not fully grasp.

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