All About:

Bastian Moritz

a.k.a. Q
Bastian Moritz's customer-centric approach to growth is based on understanding and prioritizing customer needs. Growth strategies must revolve around the customer. Their problems, wishes and motivations need to be understood precisely. With a customer-centric mindset your growth initiatives become sustainable.
Bastian Moritz
Your Trusted Advisor

Bastian Moritz's customer-centric approach to growth is based on understanding and prioritizing customer needs. Here are some key aspects of his approach.Customer-centric mindset: Bastian emphasizes that growth strategies must revolve around the customer. Their problems, wishes and motivations need to be understood precisely. He encourages companies to move from a purely “sales” oriented mentality to a demand-driven philosophy that focuses on creating lasting value for customers.Quantitative and Qualitative Insights: Bastian combines quantitative data with qualitative insights, by understanding both the “what” (data) and the “why” (insights), he uncovers patterns and opportunities for growth.Iterative process: His approach is iterative and empirical. He makes hypotheses about ideal customers and their needs and tests them. In doing so, Bastian Moritz draws inspiration from thought leaders such as Christensen, Moesta, Blank and Dorf to refine growth strategies.Demand generation beyond awareness: Demand generation is not just about creating awareness. It involves intensive engagement with potential customers. Bastian Moritz aims to create a desire for products or services in target markets and to foster lasting connections.Bastian Moritz's approach focuses on sustainable growth, customer orientation and the use of technology to increase your firms value and CLTV.