Are my product development decisions based on biased data?

Are my Decisions Based on Customer Feedback or my Biases?

Am I listening to my customers enough, or am I letting my biases drive decisions?

Bastian Moritz
Dec 2023

Every founder reaches that critical point of self-reflection at some point on their journey when all they are doing is building product and talking to users day in and day out and the question starts nagging "Am I listening to my customers enough, or am I letting my biases drive decisions?".

It underscores the challenge of balancing your personal vision and customer feedback, and the potential for cognitive biases that influence the decision-making of all of us.

Let’s find a nuanced approach to addressing your concern.

First and foremost, it's vital to acknowledge that everyone has biases. You as a founder often has a strong vision for your product, which you should have! But it can sometimes lead to confirmation bias, where you might give more weight to feedback that aligns with your beliefs and discount what doesn’t.

Implementing a structured feedback mechanisms for gathering and analyzing customer feedback can help mitigate personal biases. This might include regular surveys, user testing sessions, and feedback forms that allow your customers to share their thoughts in a way that can be quantitatively and qualitatively analyzed.

Also, when evaluating feedback try to actively seek diverse perspectives within your team where possible so you can counteract your and your teammates individual biases. Encourage your team members to challenge assumptions and challenge theirs and bring different viewpoints to the table. This diversity of thought can lead to more balanced decisions.

Relying on data rather than just intuition can also help. Tracking user behavior, engagement metrics, and other key performance indicators gives a more objective view of what customers want and need. The challenge for data-driven decision making will be that you don’t have enough users to be able to generate statistically significant insights.

What you can develop no matter how many early adopter you have is customer empathy. Developing a deep understanding of your customers—beyond just their immediate feedback—can provide context for their needs and help you understand the 'Why' behind their feedback. This can involve customer interviews, spending time in their environment, or creating detailed customer personas (preferably on their jobs-to-be-done).

Overall you will serve your startup best when you view product development as an iterative process. That allows for continuous learning and adaptation; it’s about testing assumptions, learning from the outcomes, and being willing to adjust based on what you learn for what’s best for the customer--and your customer might not even know or express their needs after all.

Sometimes, external advisors or mentors can provide an unbiased perspective. They can help you see blind spots in your thinking and offer advice based on their experiences and distance to your business and your customers. They should undertake a conscious effort to recognize and mitigate biases by looking at existing customer feedback and data and have the willingness to collect data firsthand themselves so you can rely on untampered customer feedback data for evaluating the alignment with your startups vision.

How does this approach resonate with your experience?

Dec 2023
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